Wednesday, January 7, 2009

made of glass

dear diary,
so kevin texted me yesterday. i know i was going to try to stay away from guys for awhile but this totally threew me off. im going to be fully distracted all week. how annoying. why were men even put on this earth? they're all complete assholes, and disgusting pigs. they're essentially useless.
anyway, so kevin's pretty cute, but above all he's a totally nice guy. i'm not going to write out the whole background story here, but basically we were an item for a few months last year until he started getting really busy and it was obvious he didnt have time for a relationship. i told him we were through and moved on. i knew we'd lose touch, but that was a risk i was willing to take. i had way too much going on in my life to wait around for some guy.
anyway, so he texts me and is all like "hey whats up?" standard. i didnt respond for a few hours. how dare me throw me a curveball like that? it would be one thing if he was like ugly and mean or something, but hes basically my ideal guy. i couldnt ignore him. so i responded to his stupid text and things went from there. basically hes going to be in town this weekend and wants to meet up. typical. whatever, you cant win them all. i just have to let fate take it from here.

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