Wednesday, January 7, 2009


dear diary,
omg. if you thought my life was dramatic you aint heard nothin yet!!
this morning, the slopes were covered with amateurs and the snow was kinda lame so we decided to check out the backcountry. theres been some problems with avalanche and stuff lately but i figured we'd be fine. we didnt have any equipment or whatever but it was no biggie. plus louisa did that like junior navy seals thing last year and supposedly they prepared her for any possible situation.
anyway so im minding my own business, about to go off this cliff, when the ground collapses under me!! things went from there. basically we had to outrun it which was like no big deal. it was actually pretty gnarly but i was just a little worried for lou, with the baby and all. avalanches are so bogus. but we're all alive so whatever.

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