Wednesday, January 7, 2009

true affection

dear diary,
some really personal shit happened over the weekend and i really just need to let it out.
eli led his team to victory and i was so happy. tom called before the game to talk. i didnt have the heart to tell him, but i think he suspects that im with eli now. that probably explains why he didnt play as well as he could have. i felt bad rooting for the giants but anything i had with tom is a thing of the past. he just needs to accept that. besides, what girl doesnt want to be able to say she's dating the superbowl mvp?

in other news, shaun told me he's going to start talking to steph again. i just hope she doesnt break his heart like last time. i mean he's not the best looking guy around, but when it comes down to it, does that really matter? he's no tom brady, but it doesnt mean he's any less good in bed, and i know that for a fact.
speaking of shaun, he was supposed to shred with lou, steph and i at stevens, but he was up in whistler or some shit and couldnt make it down. we met these hotties on the lift who took us to an after party at some lodge. louisa got really drunk and hooked up with this austrian guy who wants to get to pro status, like thats gonna happen. he tried to do a 1080 off the roof and bit it so hard. totally not impressive, but i guess lou was too zonked to know the difference.
more later,

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