Wednesday, January 7, 2009

la tortura

dear diary,
so i've been thinking really hard about where snowboarding is going to take me in life and i've decided that i really need to step it up a notch. i've been seriously considering going pro for a while now, and it just feels like the right thing to do. like its my destiny or some shit.
unfortunately, there are some real downers in the industry. exhibit a, this girl from wisconsin or some other nowheresville usa thats been seriously ragging on me every time i see her at the summit. she keeps telling me i suck and i should get off the mountain and shit and im like "lay off man" but she wont quit.
whatever im over posers like that. my current goal is just to win some contests, like get recognized, put myself out there you know?
xoxo, fuck da haters,

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