Wednesday, January 7, 2009

can i walk by

dear diary,
thank god i have you back. so much shit has been going down and i hate not having this outlet to express myself.
anyway, coming back from maui was a total bummer. its roughly 30 below outside, wind chill not included, and im just not used to it. i can tell stephanie's taking it really hard too, she misses all the boys in boardshorts.
speaking of boys, theres something thats been bothering me lately. i keep trying to shove it to the back of my mind, but i have to be honest here and accept it: the father of louisa's unborn baby is ryan (sheckler, not rautureau). i didnt even know they hooked up. i mean ryan and i have been over for a long time but it still hurts. i was so upset at first but i know louisa really needs my support right now. and this CANNOT get publicized. it would be really bad for his career.
whatever, life goes on. steph and i are thinking we might go up to baker this weekend. snowboarding seems so lame now, compared to the epic surf in hawaii.
i dont know. things are just confusing right now.
shit. fuck. god damnit.

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