Wednesday, January 7, 2009

ciega sordomuda

dear diary,
what the fuck. today is the most effed up day in the history of the planet. dr casey found me and steph smoking in the bathroom so she put the whole school in lockdown. total bullshit. im not trying to stay in class all day.

my mom was being a total freak last night. just about dumb shit like cleaning my room, and getting arrested last week. like i was supposed to know you can't skate in the fountain at seattle center.
speaking of that, shaun called yesterday and wanted to go skating. i said thanks but no thanks. don't get me wrong, i respect the man for what he's done but when it comes to skating he just isnt on my level. i told him i watched him on winter x and he should just stick to the snow.

i hope mr hawk doesnt read this.

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