Friday, March 13, 2009


so i got a twitter which is the dumbest shit for anybody to use unless youre hella famous. i follow mark hoppus, gwen stefani, and michael k. gwen stefani doesnt say anything in fact its prob just like her agent or sum shit. michael k talks about celebs DUH. and mark hoppus actually updates like every 2 minutes, which is great cause now i can keep tabs on his relationship i.e. is it failing. or just his whereabouts i.e. where does he eat breakfast every day cause i'll be there.
so i'm doing this new thing where i drink hella water. i now have to pee like every 5 minutes which is no biggie when i'm sittin at home but i can think of a few situations where that could make things complicated. whateva, not gonna stress. anyway, this online calculator told me i need to be drinking 86 ounces per day. not really tryin to figure out how much that is in cups but its a lot. so my question is this: does beer count. i mean light beer tastes like its like water that gets you drunk, right? i mean if you drink enough of it that is. 86 ounces should suffice.

Friday, March 6, 2009


so im sick, which kind of came out of left field considering im usually the picture of good health. mercury must be in retrograde. that would explain a lot thats been going on lately, love, fame, obsession, get the picture.

anyway. i think i had a fever and i know this because last night i dreamed that stephanie was an animal. and not a normal animal either, she was kind of blue and round...i think i made it up. things get crazy when the temperatures go up, you know how it is.

anyway have you been keeping up with degrassi, mr hawk? if not, here's an update: holly j indirectly caused johnny to break up with alli (basically cause shes a freshman and hes a senior, so thats a little awkward) and alli was pretty heated so she made this facerange (facebook, essentially) group called "i hate holly j". 300 people joined and alli was like "I WANT TO STRANGLE HER WITH MY BARE HANDS" and so holly j got pretty upset and was like "i'm calling the cops. i'm not coming back to degrassi. nothing will ever be the same." DRAMA. i'd say alli overreacted, just because johnny is pretty weird looking. he needs to embrace the razor, as they say.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

never let you go

just saw slumdog millionaire! perfect. everything i want in a movie
lets go to india, im actually down.

oh btw mr hawk i dont know if maybe youve noticed a little change in the way my journal entries are going?? like as in, im writing about true to life experiences, exactly as they happen. i mean, im not gonna go right out and say that all the shit that happened last year was lies, but there is the possibility that i may have exaggerated a little on some things. you feel me? im sure you can understand. i was really just letting loose with my creativity. i mean this is a drama class, what do you expect?

anyway, all that said, everything i wrote last year was 100% factual.

bibo no aozora

this song is beautiful, and such a good movie.

damn its march 3rd already? ive been writing march 2nd all day. oh well, time is just an illusion anyway.
new obsession:
you just fill out a profile and people let you sleep at their houses! steph and i have been checkin it out, theres some seriously chill people on there.

volcano girls

remember volcano girls by veruca salt mr hawk? prob not. theyve def got that lame chick band thing going on, but its actually kind of an intense song. i used to like it back when i thought i was BA. these days i dont think it, i know it.

anyway, things i want to do:
1. be in hawaii. maui, kauai, north shore oahu, im down for whatever. just get me to the islands.
2. audition for the bad girls club. you think im kidding, but im not.
3. go snowboarding. steph and i are hittin up whistler this weekend actually, but thats not until sunday aka 4 days from now. i guess we'll just see if i make it til then.
4. listen to "the glory" by kanye west until i cant take it anymore. what a gem. whats up with that guy anyway? i heard he wants to focus on designing or some shiz. whatev, he cant rap anymore anyway.
5. be on that game show chain reaction. have you seen the host? hes pretty cute.
6. be in a dance crew. this could prove difficult for many reasons.
7. marry mark hoppus. in order to do this i must a) sabotage his current relationship, b)....well actually im pretty sure things would just fall into place from there.


time for some word association:
blanket-warmth-maui-withdrawal-drugs-annabel dickson-mr g-celine-celine dion-lucas-douche-greg from bad girls club-amber b-shoes-boots-snowboarding-mt baker-money-job. ok this is gettin hella depressing.


i'm currently sitting in front of stephanies tv watching emile hirsch and ryan donowho engage in inappropriate corporal contact under a coiled rubber snake hanging from the ceiling. jealous?
kidding about the corporal contact, it was just a kiss. it was pretty hot though not gonna lie.
emile hirsch is my ideal man. i heard hes dating some trendy bitch though. if hes gonna be with chicks like that he might as well just do the gay thing for real. i'd be willing to accept that as, realistically, i will probably never meet him in person. maybe some texting is in order? lol kidding. dont have his number. im sure famous people arent down with shit like that anyway.


is there anything to write about right now? correct answer: no.
steph and i are planning some mischief for this weekend. its up in the air right now but were considering heading up to bham and tp'ing lucas's house. or forking his lawn. or slashing his tires. is that a misdemeanor? whatever. the way i see it, the law is only the law if you get caught breaking it.


life is currently feeling like a bottomless pit. at the bottom lies my future.

fantasy remix

what the truck am i doing here??
i should be in maui. i hate my classes.
whatev its all good. i'll just wait til we get back to the islands.
btw i forgot to tell you that we texted luke again after that beef. i was like "ok we'll prob run into each other sometime, but until then you can work on your self confidence a little". too harsh or no?

better days

oh damn. SHIZ. so much to tell you.
1. we got bumped!! thats right, anotha night on the island. we got posted up at the grand wailea. likeeeee 800$/night rooms, and those are the cheap ones. whats up with this place? im not really feelin the vibes. there's hella "rich yuppies".
2. speaking of luke, i texted him yesterday b/c he didnt get back to us about riding at baker...i was like "u down" and he was like "no. leave me alone."
once again, FUX!!!! i might as well just kill myself and be spared this misery. you were right mr hawk. we pushed and he a rabbit!!
he's so NOT chill! what a fucking fake.
okay but at the same time we want to be friends with him so....
mr hawk, what would you do in my position?

suffragette city

fuxxxxxxxxxxxxx its our last day. we did a little shopping in lahaina with sophie. im still wanting that maui built snowboard. now we're in the airport. we're on the "please bump us" list, but i doubt we'll get lucky.

sweet honey

okay so last night steph and i stopped by this little bonfire thing at makena beach, which was cool until i set down my phone and some dude jacked it. yikessss. he drunk dialed a bunch of people from my "recently called" list. when he gave it back he said some guy was hella pissed. lucas was the only guy on the list so..... whatever, he can be chill about it or not, its up to him.


relax: this aint the mainland

you cant blame it on anybody

okay so we wrote luke a postcard, but had to ask for his address.
anyway he also asked why i'm "so intent on knowing him". what the hell? this is confusing for multiple reasons. i mean, if i were in his position, i would totally dig someone being so interested in getting to know me. i wouldnt be like suspicious/weirded out. so i'm thinking he has some self esteem issues? i dunno....thoughts??

ojos asi

so upon our arrival in maui, steph and i hit up kam 1 (duh). the same beach, almost exactly the same time last year........was the 1st time we texted lucas!! so i brought it up with reply. then we were like "why do you take everything so seriously?" works like a charm, everytime. anyway he admitted that we're pretty funny, which is great. we talked a lil about hawaii.....basically we're on hella good terms now.

i need a girl part 1

okay we're officially in the car and on the way to portland. my skin is dying to be i nthe sun. i'm a total ghost lately.


new experience: i paid fucking 2.19 for a cup of tea at verite. thats the price for a BOX of tea at the store. you do the math.

king of disco

still no word from luke. whats his deal?? men are sooooooo confusing.

new experience: went to a ghs basketball game. peyton was there!! he's so hot

paper planes

maui in t-minus 5 days. i'm so effing stoked its unreal. ready to relax on the beach for a week.

new experience: went to the gym after dance. went quite well

we fit together

so last night steph and i were going a little webcam-crazy, in the cleanest sense of the word, on facebook. we hit up lucas and posted a vid. nothing too out of line. we just sat there with some kaskade playing in the background. really chill. i was trying really hard not to laugh, so i ended up looking hella intense. he hasnt mentioned it, or replied to my wall post!!! i dont really know what to think at this point.

what makes me feel safe: hot tea, esp. earl grey

lights and music

so we're not going up to baker actually. people are bailing and theres the driving issue. without louisa's "sweet ass car" aka the rover, we're kind of SOL. i'm not too distressed though; for everything there is a season

what makes me feel safe: locks and keys


so we're trying to hit up mt baker again this weekend. banked slalom? im so down. louisa's gonna be competing, so we figured we should be there for moral support. finals are on sunday and you know theres no way she wont make it that far, so we'll just roll up there for the day. stoked! we're letting axel come with us this time.

what makes me feel safe: scarves

holdin on

i dont know whats up with me lately. i dont think i've turned in a single homework assignment since the semester started. my life is a downward spiral.

what makes me feel safe: blankets

hurt me soul

stewart, what makes me feel safe is knowing that i have role models like you to look up to and ask for advice. so my question is this: on the subject of lucas, where do i go from here? he essentially ignores me these days. should i really just give up and move on? i dont know if i can do that. its not like i havent tried before. i think im just going to be chill about the situation. playing it cool is always the best way to go. plus theres plenty of other men in my life right now. i'm far from desperate.


yesterday was intense, no joke. we were shredding baker and i took this sketchy run that led to the middle of nowhere (hotsaplots) and there was no way to go but off this cliff into the canyon. i was a little nervous just cause i havent been boarding as much as i'd like to this season but i just had to go for it. it was no biggie but my landing was a little shoddy. anyway then we went back up and i was totally thrown off/embarrassing myself all over the place so i bailed and went to go chill with steph in the lodge. when we saw this dude from last night that steph was diggin we talked to him for awhile. then we saw this other guy from the ch and he was pretty cute so i got his number.
anyway im pretty bummed i didnt see lucas while i was up there. i feel like our relationship is slowly fading. thoughts, mr hawk?

hurt you

so last night me and louisa went to the only grocery store in glacier to pick up some advil for steph and these dudes in the car next to us were pretty obviously feelin us so we talked to them a little and they were on their way to clubhouse at the place we were staying. i dont know why they were gonna use the sauna or some shit. whatever anyway, we were roasting a chicken back at the condo and stuff but after a while we decided to go check out the movies at the ch. the selection was lacking, but it was whatever cause the dudes from the store were there with some cuties....sike they werent that cute. ok a couple were semi cute. whatever its irrelevant.
anyway we shot some pool and chatted....then they wanted us to meet them at some bar in town. so at like 10:35 (fashionably late) we headed over there and chilled with like 4 of the guys for a while. then they wanted us to come back to their place. some of the girls aka louisa were kind of sketched but steph and i are always down for whatever and lizzie's pretty spontaneous after her international adventures last summer. anyway so we went over thre and things got hella crazy but dont worry i was 100% in control the whole time. the night took a major turn for the worse when 2 of the guys wouldnt let us leave without them. i was like hella i know we're pretty and shiz but lay off! eventually we had to give in cause they were pretty belligerent and we werent about to stand there and argue all night. anyway it was nast cause i had to sit on this dude's lap and he was like all up on me. but dont worry you know im ready to use physical force to defend myself if necessary. when we got to the cabin they wanted to hit up the hot tub but i wasnt about to let my ladies participate in their drunken state so we just let the guys soak for like 20 mins. anyway then they wouldnt leave for like half an hour. it was like 2:30 at that point and we were tryin to get some sleep so it was hellss annoying but finally we sent them on their way with the rest of the chicken. one of the guys left his boxers. im wearing them right now.

theo theo

this cabin is tha shiz. im so lovin it. last night got wild and crazy, as can be expected. the scenery is beautiful. our hot tub is to die for. good friends, good times. what more could you want? i seriously considered calling lucas but i dunno, maybe its too soon...............

hella good

so me, lou, liz, and steph are hittin up mt baker this weekend and im totally stoked. axel wont be joining us, which is kind of a bummer. i was looking forward to getting him really drunk and unlocking his soul. actually i can think of quite a few men i'd like to do that to.
anyway, going up to bham presents the possibility of potential drama with lucas. i've been kind of under the radar lately but i just might decide to pop up out of nowhere, you know? could throw him off balance a little, but its all good. he'll be down to kick it i'm sure.

peaches and cream

hey mr hawk!! i'm back in the saddle and it feels great. we had to jump through some hoops to get in this class, but mr courtney generally had our back. i've just felt like something is missing from my life andi finally realized what it was...the theatre arts!! duh. that should have been obvious from the beginning.

some facts about me (its been awhile)
name: flora
grade: 12
fav colors: pink, silver, gold
fav class: ap calculus (BC)
fav food: rainier beer
fav band: blink 182
hobbies: party, snowboard
siblings? yes, lucia (22), benji (28), joel (28)
no, they do not attend ghs.
where i live: QA
who with: kinda between residences right now...
inspirations: mark hoppus, kelly slater, eleanor roosevelt
theatrical experience? yes, a lot
after high school i plan on furthering my snowboarding career, marrying rich, etc
fav qualities about myself:
1. my good looks
2. my acting abilities
3. my inteligence
4. my charm
5. my ability to hypnotize any man into loving me